Frank Arnold Art

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Books by Frank Arnold

In addition to his artwork, Arnold has authored two books. The first of which, “Frank Arnold • Painting and Sculpture”, is a bilingual biography delving into his upbringing by adoptive parents, teaching art in the classroom and a maximum security women’s prison, a successful auto racing career, and the profound influence of these experiences on his artistic journey. His second book, “Your Creative Imagination Unlocked,” is a collaborative venture with renowned depth psychologist Dr. Jim Manganiello. Together they explore the wellspring of Arnold’s creative process. Manganiello offers insights on Arnold’s work and that of other notable abstract artists, including Cy Twombly, Wassily Kandinsky, Pablo Picasso, Mark Rothko, and Banksy. This book takes the reader beyond the surface consciousness of the human mind, using art as a conduit to the deeper mind, where pure creative imagination dwells.